Tuition & Fees
Registration Fee
An $8 registration fee is charged for each session a dancer registers for. This allows your dancer to be added to our online system and provide you access to manage the account.
- $8 for the Fall session (Sept-Dec)
- $8 for the Spring session (Jan-June)
- $8 for the Summer session (June-July)
All monthly tuition is based on an average of 4 weeks of classes. Some months may have 5 classes and another month may have 3 weeks.
- Fall Session – Sept thru Dec have 16 weeks of classes and 4 months of tuition. Dancers will perform in our Christmas showcase. When registering for the fall session, dancers will automatically continue their enrollment into the Spring session unless the dancer asks to drop the class.
- Spring Session – Jan thru May have 20 weeks of classes and 5 months of tuition. Dancers will perform in our annual June Showcase.
- Summer Session – June thru July classes have 8 weeks of classes and 2 months of tuition.
Dancers that start later in a session only pay for classes they will receive. Dancers taking multiple classes and families with multiple children may receive a 20% discount. Tuition may be paid by:
- Upfront Payment – You may pay for an entire season upfront and receive a 5% tuition discount. (contact the office after registration to choose the upfront payment option)
- Monthly Auto Pay – All payments are setup to automatically charge a credit card on file each month. You may choose for the payment to come out on either the 1st or the 10th each month. The monthly charge will include any tuition, costumes, and registration charges. You will receive a statement on the 15th of the prior month to review any charges ahead of time.
Occasionally credit cards are declined, expire, etc. and we will attempt to contact you to get a new card on file. If you monthly tuition is more than 10 days late you will be charged a $15 late fee. Tuition refunds will only be given if proper Withdrawal Procedures have been followed. Yearly tuition may be refunded at a prorated amount minus 10% of the remaining class charge. Registration fees and costume fees will not be refunded for any reason. A returned check fee is $25.
June Showcase Fee
Dancers participating in our June showcase will pay a $30 showcase fee in June in lieu of tuition. This fee helps to cover the picture day and rehearsal costs. (theater rental, staffing, equipment rental, theater tech/janitorial fees, and more.)
Costumes/Performance Package
Costumes and Performance Packages only applies to classes that perform in our shows. All dancers performing in our shows will automatically be enrolled in a performance package.
The performance package is an all-inclusive package that includes everything your dancer will need for their performances (costumes, tights, pictures, showcase video, showcase t-shirt). Each dancer will be enrolled in a package based on the number of routines they will perform in. Packages will be split up into small monthly payments over the course of the session. Students starting late in the session are not eligible for the performance package. Dancer may opt out of the performance package by notifying the office.
Fall Session (4 months / Sept-Dec)
Christmas Show Package
- 1 Christmas Show Costume
- 1 Personalized Ornament
- 1 Show T-shirt
A La Carte Items
- 1 Christmas Show Costume | $35
- 1 Personalized Ornament | $15
- 1 Show T-shirt | $18
Spring Session (6 months / Jan-June)
Spring Show Package
- 1 Spring Showcase Costume
- 1 Pair Tights
- 1 Showcase Video
- 1 Showcase T-Shirt
A La Carte Items
- 1 Spring Showcase Costume | $78
- 1 Pair Tights | $13
- 1 Showcase Video | $30
- 1 Showcase T-shirt | $18
Dancers performing in our Christmas show and/or June Showcase will be required to purchase costumes. All costume fees are non-refundable. **Costumes are included in the Performance Package detailed above.**
Christmas Show – Dancers will wear a specific color leotard and tights or dance outfit for the show. Dancers not participating in the performance package will be charge $35 in November for their costume.
Spring Showcase – Dancers will be required to purchase one costume for each routine they will perform in the Spring Showcase. The cost of these costumes is $78/each. If you choose to pay for costumes a la carte, a $25 deposit per costume will be charged in both February and March. The balance of the costumes is due in May.