Studio Policies
One of the main forms of communication at the studio is through digital media. (Email, Facebook,, Instagram) Using these resources we are able to communicate on a more regular basis quickly.
- Email – Please check with the front desk to make sure you have a valid email on in our system. Multiple emails may be stored in the system if you would like. (parents, grandparents, guardian, etc.) In addition, if you need to communicate with the studio for any reason you may always email us at
- Facebook – Like our Facebook page at
- Instagram – View weekly class photos and videos by following @emergecincinnati
- Website – Find the Class Schedule, Calendar, Report an Absence, Make a Payment and more at
We have developed a weekly curriculum that progresses each week. Regular attendance is essential to ensure maximum progress for each student as well as the performance of each class. If you child will be missing class, we do ask that you report the absence.
If you miss a class due to vacation, illness, etc. you can attend a make-up class. These classes must be the same class type and age level. You must arrange this with the front desk prior to the day of the class. Make-up classes are permitted during the months of Aug-Oct and Jan-Feb only. We do not offer any refunds for missed classes.
Emerge will be closed during the following Holidays/Breaks. Please check the calendar for exact dates.
- Labor Day
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving Break
- Holiday Break
- Spring Break
- Memorial Day
Inclement Weather – During inclement weather, morning classes will follow Northwest School District. Evening classes will be determined by 2pm each day. Please check Facebook, and/or your email for any closing notices. If Northwest is delayed or closed, there will be no morning classes.
In the event that you need to withdraw from class a 15-day written notice is required. You will be responsible for payment until the written notice is received. Withdrawal forms can be completed online at
Emerge understands that you want to observe your child’s progress and behavior, however parents are often a distraction to the child’s learning process. Teachers may allow parents in the studios at select times at their discretion. Each studio has viewing monitors for you to watch your child’s progress during class. Certain times throughout the season teachers may allow parents into the classroom to view the class. This is up to each teacher’s discretion.
- No eating or chewing gum in studios.
- Only water may be permitted in the studios.
- No cell phones are permitted in the studio at any time. If they are in a bag they must be on silent.
- Parents and friends are not allowed in the classroom while class is in session.
- Absolutely no running is permitted in the studio or lobby.
- Dancers are required to clean up any garbage/mess made at the end of each class.
- All siblings must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Emerge is not responsible for any items left unattended.
- Children are to remain inside the building while waiting to be picked up.
- Please make an effort to be prompt! We cannot be responsible for your child after class. Excessive tardiness picking up your child will result in additional fees.
- Please pick up after yourselves and be careful with food and drink.
- Guest WiFi access is provided but may be monitored and may not be available at all times.
- Electronics are permitted but please keep volumes on silent or at low levels.
- Our staff is always available during office hours to answer any questions you might have. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, please call to set up an appointment as we rarely have time between classes.