Pre-School classes are combination ballet and tap classes that introduce dancers to a structured class curriculum. Dancers will start with the basic curriculum and continue to progress with each level. Classes are designed to be both education and fun. Classes will incorporate updated age appropriate music, fun props, and themes to keep your little one engaged.
Dancers in these classes have the opportunity to perform in two shows throughout the year. In December we host our annual Christmas Show and in June we host our ‘One Emerge’ Dance Showcase in a professional theater with full costumes and make-up.
Ballet/Tap 3 | Age 3 | 60 minute class
A beginner tap & ballet combo class that integrates Creative Movements in a more structured studio environment. Classes focus on dance vocabulary & basic steps. Special themed curriculum weeks include Frozen Fun with Anna/Elsa/Olaf & Under the Sea with Dory and Friends.
Ballet/Tap 4 | Age 4 | 60 minute class
A tap & ballet combo class that incorporates more proper dance steps. Classes focus on dance vocabulary, basic steps and correct form. Special themed curriculum weeks include Enchanted Tales with Belle & Super Hero Days.
Ballet/Tap 5 | Age 5 | 60 minute class
A tap & ballet combo class that continues teaching dance fundamentals at an accelerated pace. Classes introduce basic jazz steps and begin to incorporate combinations. Special themed curriculum weeks include Hawaiian Adventure with Moana & Toy Story.
Ballet/Tap 6 | Age 6 | 60 minute class
A tap & ballet combo class that continues teaching dance fundamentals & introduces dancers to further styles of dance. Classes incorporate more jazz steps and more complex combinations. Special themed curriculum weeks include Trolls & Rapunzel.
A Better Experience at Emerge
- Each class is taught by an experienced instructor.
- In order for your child to get the most form the class we limit them to a maximum size of 10 students.
- Once classes reach 4 dancers we add an assistant instructor.
Open Registration for Pre-School classes is from July-October & January-March. Our curriculum is designed to allow dancers to join at any time during the Open Registration periods.