Dance Team Expectations
The Emerge Dance Teams are for dancers who wish to train and perform at a competitive level. Our team is composed of boys and girls of all ages and levels of experience. Being a part of our dance team is comparable to participating in a select sport. Such an activity requires a high level of dedication. Each year our team is chosen through an audition process and is a yearlong commitment.
The Mighty Mini team is for our youngest dancers that are looking to jump into competitive dance. These dancers get to experience the competitions, dedication, and hard work that would be needed to continue on to the National or Premiere teams. The time and financial commitment to join the Mighty Mini team is kept to a minimum.
Weekly Classes – Mighty Mini dancers will have classes two days per week which include jazz and tap classes. Dancers may also participate in Ballet and/or Acro classes but are not required to. Each dancer will perform in two group routines for the season.
Competitions/Performances – The Mighty Mini team will compete in four regional competitions. Regional competitions are typically located in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, or Indianapolis. In addition to competitions, they will perform in our annual Spring Showcase. Mighty Mini dancers may also participate in the Harvest Home parade and other optional events.
Financial Commitment – The financial commitment varies per dancer. The Mighty Mini team is structured to introduce dancers to the competition experience while keeping costs to a minimum. Some of the costs include tuition, entry fees, costumes, shoes, etc. Please contact our office for more details.
Team Location – White Oak
Dancer Age Range – 4-5

This team is geared towards dancers that are looking to join the competitive circuit but aren’t quite ready for the National Team. Dancers will focus on jazz, tap, and hip hop routine styles. In addition, they will participate in regular technique and ballet classes.
Weekly Classes – Regional dancers will be expected to be at the studio two days per week at a minimum. There are additional opportunities for classes/routines if your dancer decides they want more. Each dancer will perform in 2-4 group routines for the season. They will be required to participate in Ballet classes and Technique classes.
Competitions – The Regional team will compete in 4 regional competitions. Regional competitions are typically located in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, or Indianapolis. In addition to competitions they will perform in our annual Spring Showcase and have the option to participate in the Harvest Home Parade. We will also be looking for other performance opportunities throughout the season.
Financial Commitment – The financial commitment varies per dancer. Our goal with the Regional team is to produce a quality product and keep costs to a minimum. Some of the costs include tuition, entry fees, costumes, shoes, etc. Please contact our office for more details.
Team Location – White Oak
Dancer Age Range – 6-9

The Emerge National Dance Team is one of the most respected teams in the area. We have created a program that will truly develop your child into one of the best dancers they can be. We are a very dedicated and competitive team that is always looking to challenge our dancers to perform their best. Joining the National Team is more than just dancing though; it is becoming a part of our Emerge family.
Weekly Classes – National dancers will be expected to be at the studio three days per week as a minimum. There are additional opportunities for classes/routines if your dancer decides they want more. Each dancer will perform in 2-8 group routines for the season. They will be required to participate in Ballet classes and Technique classes.
Competitions/Performances – The National team will compete in four regional competitions and one national competition. Regional competitions are typically located in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, or Indianapolis. The national competition for Season 8 will be in Pigeon Forge. In addition to competitions the National Team will perform in “The SAM Project” and our annual Spring Showcase. Dancers are also required to participate in the annual Harvest Home Parade. A select number of routines will be chosen to participate in a local gym floor competition and other optional competitions.
Financial Commitment – The financial commitment various per dancer. Ultimately you and our dancer decided how much of a commitment you want to make. A lot of the costs depend on how many routines and technique classes you choose to participate in. Some of the costs include tuition, entry fees, costumes, shoes, etc. Please contact our office for more details.
Team Location – White Oak
Dancer Age Range – 5 and Up

NEW for Season 11 is the Harrison Dance Team. The Harrison Dance Team will compete at local gym floor competitions with the goal of moving to “All Star” or “Studio” competitions in the future. For the inaugural season they will perform at all local competitions. A nationals competition will be considered in the future once established, Dancers will be at the studio a minimum of 2 days per week for practices.
Weekly Classes – Harrison dancers will be expected to be at the studio two days per week at a minimum. There are additional opportunities for classes/routines if your dancer decides they want more. Each dancer will perform in 2-3 group routines for the season. They will be required to participate in Ballet/Technique classes.
Competitions/Performances – The Harrison team will compete at 3 regional competitions. Regional competitions are typically located in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, or Indianapolis. In addition to competitions, they will perform in our annual Spring Showcase and have the option to participate in the Harvest Home Parade. We will also be looking for other performance opportunities throughout the season.
Financial Commitment – The financial commitment varies per dancer. Some of the costs include tuition, entry fees, costumes, shoes, etc. Please contact our office for more details.
Team Location – Harrison
Dancer Age Range – 4 and Up